Saturday, January 6, 2018

Presidential Leadership Responsibility (Editorial)

This is strictly my belief based on what I know as a retired soldier and as an average American.  The President of the United States should have at least a better than average understanding of the workings of the military and it's capabilities.  Any government entity that has responsibility for command of or control of a military asset should be held accountable under the Uniform Code of  Military Justice (UCMJ), as well as all other judicial formats they are held under.  

Persons in seats of responsibility, especially POTUS.  Should relinquish the use of Twitter, Facebook or any other social media while in office in order to control the stupid bullshit and embarrassment it causes everyone.

Those people that are put in charge of us should be held accountable for anything that could or does harm individual rights freedoms or livelihoods unless there is a reason for safety against terrorism.  The safety of the people from terrorism should not be a blanket reason to label everyone that does not agree with the acting government as a terrorist.  Persons in charge should have at least an Idea what the average persons daily life is like from every walk of life, and try to help based upon that knowledge and not on the unrealistic notions brought about by having a gold or silver spoon in their mouths from the get-go.  

There should be a clear acknowledgment that We The People are the bosses and Government works for us.    

Those in government should be required to take classes in Nuclear Biological and Chemical warfare and watch numerous graphic historic videos on the effects of nuclear weapons, and visit anyone who has been exposed to radiation sickness while they are still alive.  This would hopefully bring home the fact that nuclear weapons are not toys in your sandbox when you were a kid.

I am neither a Republican or Democrat.  If anything I am an independent moderate conservative.  I think the government needs to be rethought a bit and try to remember we need to remain Constitutional to be American. 

Our freedom is there at least in the sense of freedom compared to other counties.  Just ask those 11 Saudi Arabian princes who protested not getting their perks, and the execution of that other prince.

We need to make sure we are guarded by the Constitution and still seek security in this evil time.

The older governing regime needs to be replaced however because they have their own agendas in priority over what We The People need.

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