Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Issues of the Nations Budget, and Deficit

Long are the days of our nation being in dept.  But when it comes to cutting spending where do our government leaders, who we have elected into office go to?  Everyone else but themselves.  Oh by the way who decides their salary?  They do.  Here are the salary of government figures.  I find it very disturbing that the rest of us who are not rich front most of the budget problems, when the rich and our leadership do not.  Do the math and judge for yourselves.

President of the United States
2011: $400,000
2000: $200,000

The president's salary was increased from $200,000 to $400,000 in 2001. The president's current salary of $400,000 includes a $50,000 expense allowance.

Vice President of the United States
2011: $230,700
2000: $181,400

Cabinet Department Secretaries
2011: $199,700
2001: $161,200

Legislative Branch - US Congress
Rank-and-File Senators and Representatives
2011: $174,000
2000: $141,300

Speaker of the House
2011: $223,500
2000: $181,400

House and Senate Majority and Minority Leaders
2011: $193,400
2000: $156,900

Judicial Branch
Chief Justice of the United States
2011: $223,500
2000: $181,400

Associate Justices of the Supreme Court
2011: $213,900
2000: $173,600

US Courts of Appeals Judges
2011: $184,500
2000: $149,900

Federal District Judges
2011: $174,000
2000: $141,300

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